Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"A night's unbroken sleep might aid my welfare..."

Happy April!

It's been an interesting few days here at Mydwynter Studios.

The work on my apartment above the pottery studios is progressing. Soon, the ceiling will be finished, and after that work can continue more easily. I have completely moved in nonetheless, which has been fantastic...especially for Rigel the studio cat, who has decided now that there is a dog-free zone, he's going to sleep off the last year. (He's been an almost-exclusively an outdoor cat for that time due to some "dog issues".) His greatest ambition thus far seems to be to shed as much as possible onto my bedcover. Congratulations, Rigel. You're doing well.

Last night was a bit stressful, for various personal reasons. I decided to take a page from my freshman year at university and stay up all night, doing some sort of artwork which I seldom get to do. The whole thing is an exercise in freedom; freedom from the usual constraints of time, and freedom from my usual constraints of media.

I was inspired to pull out my old pastels and a beautiful blue piece of pastel paper I had bought on a whim this past fall. I let fly, to this effect:

I've been calling it "study of a celt in lapiz and copper" for lack of a better title. If you have any suggestions I'd be pleased to hear them.

I won't editorialize here, only to say that it was an interesting ride getting back on that horse. I haven't worked with pastels for so long that I can't even remember when I last used them. I had a blast though, and hope to do that more often. "A fresh palatte of pastels" go onto the list of art supplies I need to order; I suspect that this set is nearly as old as I.

The spring winds outside are gusting, and changes are afoot indeed.
Be well,


Anonymous said...

I will henceforth refer to your "Study" as Bob. It reminds me of a freind, Bob. Kilt wearing maniac...see link...


Pose is different, but should you need a model next time..

Lanea said...

So, why does everyone always draw Cellagh? He must have a great PR person.

It's lovely,and I'm glad Rigel has adopted your bed. And I'm very glad our friend has a new liver.