Thursday, March 20, 2008

Back on the Horse

Well folks, it's been a long ~3 months. Here's what I've been working on:

In December, the last time I checked in, I had just finished making my various-winter-holiday cards. I also teased that I had photos of a commissioned project, but I couldn't post them in case they made it back to the person for whom it was being created.

Well, the present was sneakily transferred to the wife of the recipient, and given as a Christmas gift, and (so I was told) much enjoyed. Here it is:

This was a blast to work on. I particularly enjoyed playing with the way the spirals didn't just have to echo the form in two dimensions, but could flow in and out of the pockets and holes within the skull. Great fun.

After that, I headed out on a long, long trip hither and yon.

I flew out to Seattle, where I spent a month making many lists and weaving lots of trim on a mini inkle loom. As usual, I spent my time hanging out with all my friends out there and being inspired by Seattle's particular mix of health, hipness, and love of originality. I finally made it to a yoga class taught by one of the guys out there, ate at one of my favorite vegan soul food restaurants, and attempted to play a game of frisbee golf. (Which is, as was clear to those who were playing with me, not my favorite past time. As sports go, I would much rather be playing baseball, or football, or a wicked game of badminton.) In spite of the latter, I had quite a nice time there.

Then I moved on to Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, where I proceeded to be knocked upside the head by a major respiratory flu. Being ill for a week seriously threw off our plans for the month, which were to make what I am calling "Yurt: The New Class"; where I camp at Pennsic, we Celts often use yurts as our temporary round houses. One of my friends who lives up there is basically our "yurt guru", so it only made sense that if I wanted a yurt which a)would break down small enough to be conveyed in a car, and b)was more efficient than our current versions, I would go to her. The three of us up there worked our tails off (especially our yurt guru, to whom I owe a big pile o' thanks and many, many presents). One thing I learned? When working with hickory, you get some serious tear-out which might not only be irreparable with a belt sander, but also irreparable with a nicely-sharpened hand planer. Yikes.

In any event, the delay due to illness cost us the deadline, so I'll be heading back up in July. In the meantime, one of the things we did finish completely was the cherry wood door frame, which I'll be carving (intricately, it seems, according to my sketches) and fitting with a door. Photos on that will be posted once it has been completed.

This month I went down to the last weekend of the Florida Renaissance Festival and over to Mississippi for the SCA's Gulf Wars. I was much inspired by these two events, and more on the results of that inspiration are to come.

Here's hoping the nascent Spring finds you well, and the new-green buds bring you some growth of your own.


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