Thursday, July 12, 2007

Right! Posting! Yes!

Well, wedding in Canada now over, I can now commence the pre-Pennsic preparatory planning. There's a lot of shite to do this year, and actually I'm going to keep this short so I can get to bed soon and get up early to glaze a kilnload of pots.

Besides the aforementioned pots, on my plate at the moment include:

Finishing Va and Darrell's yurt door
Helping Va clean her yurt floor and trim the roof canvas
Sewing, like, six plaid flannel sleepytime tunics
Making three roman-style dresses, including all the inkle weaving that that implies
And probably weaving some more
Mending my existing garb
Designing and building a comfy Celtic halter top for Va and I
And however much Roman paraphernalia as I can research and make well; not doing it half-assed

Ah, yes, and I'm learning a new song for Pennsic; it's in Gaelic and English, sean-nos style, entitled "Bruach na Carraige Baine". It's the Cape Clare version, which is different than the usual treatment, I think, and not the easiest thing I've ever taught myself. Which is typical, really. "Here, let me get started three weeks beforehand learning a frustrating song, and still have sanity left after singing it fifty billion times to design a weaving pattern. Heh." Anyway, if it doesn't work out I'll ditch it for this year and pick it up later, but I was really hoping to have it down.

So, yeah, I'm sure that there are other things I'm forgetting, but I think that's all I have room for in my head.

Oh, and I really wanted to winge about how shitty an interface myspace has, but it's really kinda apparent to anyone who has spent any time on there, so I won't spend my time on it. However, if you are interested, I did set up a page there to point here, and if you'd like to friend me (or would like me to friend you), it's here. I can't promise you it will roll over and do tricks or anything, but it can't hurt.

K. Shhh. Sleeping. :)

1 comment:

Erin said...

"Designing and building a comfy Celtic halter top for Va and I"

I don't know how comfortable a single halter top will ever be with two people fitting inside it, but send pics, it sounds like an interesting "Wenches Gone Wild" episode.